
Rhode Island Service Coordinator Collaborative (RISCC) RSC Certification/Re-certification Policy and Procedure

Revised 5/2020
  • The training year will be from June 1 through May 31.
  • Initial 36 hour certification packets are due December 31.
  • Certification packets must be postmarked no later than May 31.
  • Please be sure to use the RISCC Training Tracking forms with your packet.
  • We suggest packets be mailed "Return Receipt."
  • Packets will not be returned - please keep a copy for your records.

HUD RSC Training Guidelines

Training attendance evidence form

Training Tracking form for recertification

Initial Certification Training Checklist

Definition of Training/Education:

  • Any training event or course (including current college level) with the purpose of providing professional education in the social services field
  • This excludes: training held for resident/tenant education and General board/ committee or community meetings.
  • Credit is awarded for the number of hours of actual attendance for RISCC trainings. Tardiness will result in loss of credit to the next ½ hour.
  • College level courses will be credited according to pertinent subject matter and semester hours. It is important to include a copy of the official course description.

Initial/Lapsed Certification Requirements:

  • Requests for certification will be accepted by the December 31.
  • Evidence (proof of attendance) of at least 36 hours of education/ training covering HUD’s (9) areas of knowledge (HUD Guidelines attached) accumulated within 12 months from date of hire.
  • These 36 hours must include at least 6 hours of training hosted by the RI Service Coordinator Collaborative.

Recertification Requirements:

  • Evidence (proof of attendance) of at least 15 hours of education/ training within the past 12 months.
  • This needs to include at least 1 training hosted by the RISCC.

Special Credit Hours:

  • Planning and presenting a training session for RISCC, NERSC, AASC, IREM, or NEHMA is awarded as 4 hours of training.
  • Membership on the Board/Planning Committee of the RI Service Coordinator Collaborative is awarded 6 hours of training credit.
  • For special consideration for other items, please contact RISCC before May 31